Vastu for Bedroom: Design Your Space for Peaceful Living
Is your bedroom affecting your peace and energy? Ask My Astrologer reveals Vastu for bedroom tips to create an ideal setting for restful sleep & harmony. Find out now!
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In this blog, we share all Vastu for bedroom that can help you to grow peace.

Advice on Vastu for Bedroom
When applied correctly, vastu for bedroom can optimally balance the bedroom, thereby enhancing your well-being and tranquillity. Let’s discuss a few Vastu for bedroom tips that can effectively influence the energy flow in your personal space.
- Don’t have mirrors facing the bed; this signifies an inability to release stress and worry.
- Keep your bedroom (even under your bed) clutter-free. The more clutter you see, the more stagnant your energy flow becomes.
- One more vastu for bedroom tip is to sleep with your head towards the South, East, or West directions but never towards the North. A bedroom in the north direction often means your head facing North, which can lead to suffering from nightmares and other disturbing thoughts.
- Design a square or rectangular bedroom. This ensures peace and prosperity. It’s also important to note that Vastu disapproves of having plants and other living things in the main bedroom.
Vastu for Bedroom with Balconies
Vastu recommends placing the balcony in the bedroom’s eastern or northern regions. Avoid circular balconies since they cause many problems for residents. One can add a swing to the east-west axis. Brighten the balcony to promote positivity. You can keep small plants facing north, east, or northeast on the balcony. The balcony grill must always be free of rust. Keep undesirable items out of the balcony so that energy can flow freely.
Vastu Rules: Mirrors in Bedrooms
Mirrors reflect energy around the bedroom, which can cause agitation and heighten anxiety. It’s crucial to avoid hanging a mirror on the wall across from your bed. Additionally, if your dressing table has a mirror, be cautious where you place it, similar to how a mirror wardrobe should be placed while building a main bedroom, according to Vastu for bedroom.
Make sure the Vastu tips for a married couple’s bedroom are correct. The Northdressing table must be located on the east wall.
Vastu Rules: Bedroom Vastu Plants
Vastu recommends the appropriate plants for your bedroom if you want to add some greenery:
- Money plants should be positioned at sharp corners to create a stress-free atmosphere. But make sure it receives some diffused light. One of the best indoor plants for cleansing the air is this creeper. So, ensure that it has a growing platform.
- According to Vastu for bedroom, bamboo plants are among the luckiest plants. They may be positioned anywhere in the bedroom and need no maintenance. The most popular location is, however, in the southeast corner.
- The lily plant represents joy, serenity, and harmony. Additionally, lilies are uplifting and prevent nightmares.
- Lavender is noted for its calming aroma, which encourages inner serenity. Put it close to your nightstand to get the most out of its aroma.

Choosing Vastu-Compliant Plants for the Bedroom
Incorporating plants in your bedroom can be a delightful way to enhance its energy and aesthetics, but choosing the right ones is critical to aligning with Vastu principles. According to the Vastu for home, the science of construction applied in ancient India, there are crucial tips to consider when choosing the right plants that not only embellish the place and bring feelings of harmony to your space.
Money Plant for Stress-Free Vibes
Due to its green leaves, a money plant is an ornament, a stress buster, and a bringer of wealth. It must be put in a corner so that it can be in filtered light, so it should warm up the atmosphere but remain calm.
Bamboo for Luck and Simplicity
The plant most commonly used in this case is the bamboo plant, which needs very little attention and signifies good luck or peace. It is suitable for all parts of the bedroom, particularly the southeastern one, as it strengthens simplicity and balance.
Lily for Serenity and Positive Dreams
Due to its pretty appearance, it is considered to improve the overall mood in the bedroom or bring positivity. It is most effective for eradicating nightmares and protecting nighttime sleep.
Lavender for Aromatic Relaxation
For instance, lavender, which has a pleasant smell, can easily become a lovely addition to the nightstand. Moreover, it has a scent that relieves stress and anxiety and helps improve the quality of sleep. One thing to remember when using plants in your bedroom is that moderation is vital. Keeping too many plants in this area congest the space, but placing a couple of plants in vastu recommended area enhances the room energy flow. As will be repeated often – the aim is to achieve a natural, balanced, and serene environment.
Vastu for Bedroom Advice for Furniture
Your bed should be made of good, strong wood. Avoid metal and iron beds at all costs.
- Although exposed beams are a fad, avoid having beams running above your bed. It’s said that if the beam is left as is, it could lead to health issues for those in the room.
- Keep your bed about 4 inches away from the wall. We also suggest that it not be directly below a window.
- Ensure the head of your bed is against a solid wall for security and stability, as Vastu recommends.
- Aim for a symmetrical arrangement of furniture in your bedroom to create balance and promote a peaceful sleeping environment.
- Avoid storing items under your bed to allow energy to circulate freely, enhancing relaxation and sleep quality.
- Select furniture with rounded corners over sharp edges to encourage a smooth flow of positive energy and reduce the risk of injuries.

Vastu Tips for Bedrooms for a Married Couple
Creating a harmonious and loving atmosphere in the bedroom is essential for married couples, and Vastu for bedroom offers timeless wisdom to help achieve this. Here are some Vastu tips specifically tailored for couples to ensure their bedroom is a sanctuary of positive energy, love, and tranquillity:
Bed Position as per Vastu for married couples
Place your bed in the southwest corner of the bedroom to enhance love and stability in your relationship. Additionally, use a bed made up of good quality of wood, while preferably avoiding a metal frame, as metal frame blocks energy flow in the room.
Choose Harmonious Colours
Flooring can also be patterned, and soft, soothing colours are preferred for a couple’s bedroom. Light pink, blue, or green are the best shades to keep love both calm and passionate. These colours are thought to promote a better understanding between the two people in a relationship.
Mirror Placement
It is essential not to hang mirrors where they catch the bed because this can cause misunderstandings and health complications. Otherwise, if you have placed a mirror in the bedroom, ensure it doesn’t reflect the bed to the room’s inhabitants.
Clutter-Free Space
Make your bedroom a no-no for clutter as much as possible. Clutter and mess are undeniably stressful, and moreover, a lack of order in home-based environments significantly prevents the positive energy of a relationship from circulating freely.
Photographs and Artwork
Display pictures that symbolize love, such as images of you as a couple or art depicting romantic scenes. This reinforces the bond and keeps the energy in the room focused on the two of you.
Avoid Electronic Gadgets
TVs and laptops should be avoided in the bedroom to promote tranquillity and the couple’s togetherness.
The best form of lighting is soft and warm lighting. It provides a quite conservative and pretty atmosphere for resting and sweet talking.
Bedding and Decor
Select comfortable and snug bed linen. To make it more comfortable and comfortable, use cushions or a soft rug.
Following these Vastu for bedroom tips, married couples can create a bedroom as a place of rest and a haven for nurturing their relationship, ensuring that good vibes always flow in their private sanctuary.

Vastu for Bedroom Advice on Lighting
Use soft, warm lighting
Soft, warm lighting helps to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom. Lamps, fairy lights, or even candlelight can achieve this.
Avoid harsh lighting
Lighting in the bedroom should ideally be warm and nonspecific, which means warm light equipment such as lamps, fairy lights, or even candlelight can effectively help achieve this ambiance.
Opt for a dimmer switch
A dimmer switch not only allows you to adjust the light intensity in your bedroom but also helps you tailor it according to your needs.
Position the lights correctly
As per Vastu, lights should be placed in the east, North, or northeast directions.
Selecting Vastu-Compliant Colours for Couples
Vasthu for bedroom colours is essential in creating the right vibe in your bedroom. Here are some Vastu tips for couple bedrooms to keep in mind while choosing colours:
Choose soothing colours
According to Vastu tips, the main bedroom suggest soothing colours such as pastel shades of blue, green and pink are considered ideal for the bedroom.
Avoid bright colours
Bright colours like yellow, red, and orange can cause stress and agitation, so they should be avoided in the bedroom.
Use earthy colours
Earthy colours like beige, brown and tan are grounding and promote stability and security.
Paint the walls in lighter shades
Lighter shades of colours help to create a spacious and airy feel in the room.
Vastu Dosha remedy
Vastu Shastra has been an integral part of Indian culture for thousands of years, and indeed, many ancient Indian myths and legends clearly highlights the powerful influence that the arrangement of spaces and objects can have on our lives. So, If you’re facing any negative energy or Vastu dosha in your bedroom, don’t worry, here are some remedies to get your bedroom back on track:
Cleanse the room regularly
Regularly cleaning the room and keeping it clutter-free helps to ward off negative energy.
Place a wind chime in the room
A wind chime helps to dispel negative energy and promote positive energy.
Keep the room well-ventilated
A well-ventilated room helps to keep the energy flowing and prevent negative energy from getting trapped.
Bring in plants
Plants help to purify the air and promote positive energy.

Vastu Wisdom for Restful Sleep
Comfortable sleep and health are important for the human body and soul; therefore, Vastu tips will provide a calm room. To make sure you’re snoozing in serenity, here are some things to avoid in your bedroom:
A mirror in the bedroom can disrupt positive energy flow, leading to a restless sleep. If you have a mirror in your bedroom, cover it up at night before bed.
Do not use notification-based electronic devices such as phones, laptops, and televisions in the bedroom. They discharge unhealthy blue light that can disrupt sleep cycles and cause stress.
Bedroom clutter creates stress and anxiety and deters people from having a good night’s sleep. Your bedroom must be clean and free from clutter to help retain a positive energy flow.
Sharp edges and corners
Furniture with sharp edges and corners can disrupt the flow of positive energy in the room and cause negative vibes. Round edges and curves are considered more auspicious in Vastu.
What to Avoid in Bedroom
A good night’s sleep is an essential modern necessity and a revered custom in ancient Indian mythology. The gods and goddesses seek tranquil sleep to replenish their divine energies, and so should we. This is where Vastu Shastra comes into play.
Following its ideas, we can produce a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere in our bedrooms, resulting in a good night’s sleep. But it’s not just about what to do; it’s also about what to avoid. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating a Vastu-compliant bedroom:
Water elements
Water elements like aquariums, fountains, and even flower vases should be avoided in the bedroom. They can bring about negative energy and cause financial problems.
Improper bed placement
The placement of your bed is crucial in Vastu. Ensure your bed is not directly under a beam and your feet face the door.
Fire elements
Fire elements like candles, incense sticks, and oil lamps should be avoided in the bedroom. They can bring about negative energy and cause health problems.
Dark colours
Dark colours like black and dark blue can create a feeling of depression and negativity. Opt for lighter colours like white, cream, and pastel shades to create a positive energy in the room.
By avoiding these elements in your bedroom, you can create a positive and relaxing environment that promotes good sleep and well-being.

Vastu Shastra provides guidelines and tips to create positive energy and promote harmony in the bedroom. You can make a peaceful and comfortable sleeping space by following the suggestions for lighting, colours, and bed direction and avoiding certain things in the bedroom.
However, it’s important to remember that the ultimate goal of Vastu for home is to promote happiness and peace in your life. Despite these tips contributing to forging an improved bedroom environment, it is also essential to concentrate on other areas of life for balance and harmony.
Clutter hinders the free movement of positive energy within a home, causing stress and slowing everything down. Keeping the bedroom, including the space under the bed, clean and organized promotes relaxation, better sleep, and harmony.
Vastu recommends avoiding electronic gadgets in the bedroom. They emit energy that disrupts sleep and intimacy. Place them far from the bed and turn them off at night.
Exposed overhead beams create a feeling of oppression and can lead to health issues, making them inauspicious. A false ceiling or rearranging the bed away from under the beam can remedy this.